Friday, July 31, 2015


i have, own, buy, wear and love only black. hahahaha. i dont know why but i am so addicted to black colour. tak tau lah apa yang sangat menarik dengan warna ini but seriously i love it so much! Everyday i wear black to class. ada yang sampe panggil Arra nenek sihir -.- THAT IS SO MEAN!!! but i just dont care because i do what ever i like as long as what i like is not against the syar'i.

i feel so comfortable with black. Tak payah risau kain see through, nampak gemuk, lemak berlapis, dan pastinya covers your aurah perfectly. i seldom wear other colour tapi kalau pakai other colour i'll make sure colour tu ada combination dengan black. but mostfully black lah. buktinya:

See!! i told you i wear only black. hahahahaha. kalau pakai other colour pun campur sedikit jerrrszzz..

nak tau tak what kind of question yang selalu orang tanya Arra?

Ppl: Arra tak mandi ke?
Me: -.-
Ppl: Arra tak pernah tukar baju ke?
Me: -.-
Ppl: Arra memang tak ada baju lain eh?
Me: -.-
Ppl: Kenapa Arra tiap hari pakai baju sama?
Me: -.-

Hahahahahahaha! excuse me tak mungkin lah pengotor sampai tak mandi, tak tukar baju, tak cuci baju. hahahaha but tak apa lah, mungkin orang tak perasan Arra tukar baju sebab baju warna hitam semua so orang tak nampak pun perbezaan apa apa. hahahahaha
so berpuas hati okay semuanya? dah tau arra mandi tukar baju and cuci baju? hahaha

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